Reactive Dog

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Reactive Dog

If you’re reading this page, you’re probably pretty familiar with leash reactivity.

When you are out and about, your lovely dog acts like Cujo, lunging, barking, growling at other dogs, at people, other animals or objects. Neighbors and passersby judgmentally stare at you, other dog owners are not impressed, you feel embarrassed and dog walks aren’t fun anymore.

All Services

Schedule your Initial Consult

All in-person services will begin with a 90-minutes consultation. In this session we will lay the groundwork for success with your dog: we will take an objective look at your dog’s current behavior, the challenges you face, and map out a plan to help you reach your training goals. In addition to planning the “long game” of a training program, I will provide you with some immediate steps you can take to see positive movement in behavior.

150€ for 90 minutes

(Travel fees apply for in-home consultations)

Choose your training formula

Private Coaching

After our initial consultation, we will get started working through your training plan and towards the goals that we have set together. Private training sessions are tailored to suit and support the lives, needs, and learning styles of both humans and dogs.
The number of sessions recommended will vary depending on the goals we set together or the severity of the behavior concern.

Depending on your dog and your goals we may choose to stick to private lessons or combine them with ReactivEquipe sessions for a more intensive approach to behavior change. 

80€ per session (60 minutes)


Group Class - ReactivEquipe

Let’s work in a team. You are not alone! 

ReactiviEquipe are semi-private lessons for no more than 3 dog-handler teams that feature: individual coaching on working with your reactive dog, other dogs to safely practice around, and a supportive community of other pet parents who share your frustrations and goals!  

300€ for a 5-week class




Frequently, dogs use their aggressive displays – barking, growling, snarling, lunging – to create distance between themselves and the other dog because they are afraid. My goals are to help your dog feel good about seeing other dogs while on leash and to teach her an alternative behavior to barking, growling, snarling, and lunging in the presence of other dogs.
Positive reinforcement creates positive associations every time our dogs engage in behaviors we want to see more of. This helps them want to do those things again and again! It is a training methodology rooted in empathy, compassion, and science, and is an incredible way of addressing training problems from basic manners to complex behavior issues.
Food is a commonly used reinforcer in training because we can deliver it easily and quickly, and we don't have to teach animals to enjoy it. It is innate. The food that motivates animals to learn must be of high value to them until they respond reliably. After the behavior is acquired and well-known, high-value food should only be used intermittently. This means that your animal is not always rewarded with food every time it responds to a cue but with an alternate reward, such as praise, that may be of lesser value to it. Because the animal never knows when a treat will come, it will continue to respond in anticipation that food will appear again at some point. Such intermittent reinforcement makes your animal respond faster and more reliably. This is because this learning is based on the same concept that makes a casino slot machine addictive. It would be wonderful if a slot machine gave out money every time it was played, but unfortunately that doesn't happen. However, the potential to win the jackpot with the next pull of the lever makes you want to play even more.
Reinforcement is the consequence of a behavior that increases the likelihood of that behavior happening again. Positive reinforcement involves teaching the relationship between a behavior and a beneficial consequence (IF the behavior occurs, THEN the reinforcer follows). When a behavior has a history of resulting in positive outcomes for the learner, that behavior strengthens. A bribe is something offered BEFORE the behavior to influence its likelihood of occurring at that moment. Bribes do not result in a higher probability of the target behavior occurring in the future. In other words, a bribe does not create long-lasting learning.
Aversive training methods in dogs can have several pitfalls and negative consequences. 1 Fear and Anxiety: aversive training techniques can cause fear and anxiety in dogs. Dogs may begin to avoid the person administering the aversive stimulus or become fearful, leading to increased stress levels. 2 Aggression and Negative Associations: dogs trained using aversive methods may become aggressive and associate humans with pain and discomfort. This can damage the bond between the dog and its owner. 3 Risk of Behavioral Problems: studies have shown that training with punitive techniques and tools increases the risk of behavior problems, aggression, fear, stress, and behavioral shutdown in dogs. 4 Breakdown of Trust: aversive training can break the human-animal bond. Dogs may lose trust in their owners or associate punishment with something that is not the target of the punishment. It is important to note that these pitfalls are associated with aversive training methods. Positive reinforcement techniques are generally considered more effective and humane for training dogs.
Our initial session is held either at Maison Dog, at your place (travel fee may apply / 0.50€ per roundtrip km), or virtually. The location of each private coaching session will be defined based on your dog’s specific needs. ReactivEquipe classes are held at Maison Dog in Eisenborn.
Senior is the definition of a dog who has reached a certain age in its estimated lifespan.